Debian packages aarch64

 Binary packages
libada-units_3.13_arm64.deb     The shared library, required by the applications dynamically linked to it.
In particular it provides libada-units.so.3.13 relocatable library.
 Developing packages
libada-units-dev_3.13_arm64.deb The package used for developing applications.
It contains *.ads and *.adb files, static library, precompiled Ada library files (*.ali)
 Binary GTK+ widgets packages
libada-units-gtk_3.13_arm64.deb     The shared library, required by the applications dynamically linked to it.
In particular it provides libada-units-gtk.so.3.13 relocatable library.
 Developing GTK+ widgets packages
libada-units-gtk-dev_3.13_arm64.deb The package used for developing applications.
It contains *.ads and *.adb files, static library, precompiled Ada library files (*.ali)
 GTK+ unit conversion utilities
units-converter_3.13_arm64.deb     A GTK+ application for converting irregular units to their SI equivalents.
units-mapper_3.13_arm64.deb     A GTK+ application to convert physical values between different measurement units.

For automatic install and update with APT, add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb [trusted=yes] http://www.dmitry-kazakov.de/distributions bookworm main

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